the following account contains mature, potentially triggering themes, such as lewd, nudity, death, gore, drugs, abuse, and violence. please keep in mind this character can display violent and self destructive behaviors. this character is part of the abo/omegaverse, pregnancy themes may be involved. proceed with caution, and please block if uncomfortable.


𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: Akiyama Reiji (秋山零時)
𝐀𝐆𝐄: 25
𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓: 5'0"
𝐃𝐎𝐁: October 30, 1996
𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐄𝐒: Fox Shifter



The only family Reiji ever knew was his mother. He had no siblings, and he didn't know his father, nor did he ever care to know him. Growing up, the only person he ever really needed was his loving, caring mother.

At the beginning, Reiji was a happy kit, always laughing, always smiling, always so full of life. In a world where shifters were rare and unwelcome, the two foxes were content in their own little world, hidden away in their cabin, deep within a thick forest, where it was safe and peaceful.

At least, that's what they thought.

It happened in broad daylight, with the autumn breeze fluttering away through crisp, sunset colored leaves. Back then, Reiji loved autumn. Not so much anymore. The young kit, 11 years old at the time had wandered off in the thick forest, playing an exploring game all by himself. He didn't mind playing alone, he rather preferred the quiet. Besides, he knew he was safe, with his mother no doubt waiting for him back at home.

It was quiet, and peaceful, at least, until he heard the gunshots. Three piercing, terrible sounds that still ring in his ears.

When he returned home, his mother was waiting for him, covered in crimson, two men standing over her as she desperately tried to drag her weakened body to the door, where her son waited, wide eyed and shaking like the autumn leaves. The men seemed to find this amusing, their laughter deafening in Reiji's ears. He can't stand loud noises.

They finished her off with a fourth bullet, this time, for her son to see.

Now, Reiji had no one.

Some might say Reiji was lucky to survive. He certainly didn't think so. Not with the fate that would await him after the men tore the boy away from his mother's lifeless corpse, kicking and screaming. The last thing he remembered in that cabin was a large, blunt object hitting him in the back of the head.

When he came to, he could barely move. Not only because of how weak his body felt, but because of the cramped space he was packed into. A space that he'd become all too familiar with in the years that followed. To this day, he hates small spaces. The stench was one he'd never forget either. It reeked of sterilizer and bodily fluids, the sound of other young shifters crying, whimpering, and wailing in the cages beside his own filling his ears.

The only light was provided by a single light bulb, dangling from the ceiling. Every now and then, however, the door would open, allowing an almost blinding light to spill into the room, illuminating the faces of several horrified shifters. Every time that door opened, one of them was chosen to be dragged out of the room, their screams audible despite how thick and heavy the door seemed. They didn't always return.

Reiji spent the following years until he was around 15 being experimented on. Side effects still linger, and a few surgical scars are still faintly visible on his body.

It was winter when he finally managed to escape. He had just turned 15 a few months before, or so he thinks. It was hard to keep track of the days in a place like that. He wasn't the only one, but this time, he was one of the luckier ones. Maybe, just for a moment, the universe had mercy on him.

Flashing lights and the all too familiar sound of gunshots followed him as he made his get away, separating from the small group of shifters that he had tagged along with, because, what was the worst thing that could happen? If he was caught, he'd be killed, and maybe being killed would be better than spending the rest of his life as a test subject. He had nothing to lose.

Though his escape was a success, things didn't get any easier for Reiji. After all, a young fox couldn't survive the winter all on his own. It was a miracle he even made it as far as he did as it were. There was still a little fight left in him, at least, for a moment. But the winter was harsh, the hunger brutal, and the poor fox wasn't getting any stronger with how physically weak he already was.

That's when she found the young fox, tired, shivering, and buried in a thin layer of snow. When Reiji opened his eyes to the figure approaching him, he could have sworn he had died, and the figure he was seeing was an angel, coming to finally take him away. She was glowing, radiant in contrast to the dull scenery the winter created, though her white hair did blend with the endless masses of snow.

Suddenly, he didn't feel so cold. A pair of warm arms wrapped around the fox's weakened body, and began carrying him away.

From that moment on, his life changed, and for once, even though it was brief, he was happy again.

The one who had taken him in was a kind, much older shifter. Due to experiments done on her as a young wolf, she was unable to have children, and treated Reiji as one of her own.

She taught him everything, how to read, write, and even how to play piano and violin. She even taught him how to protect himself, and how important it was that he kept the fact that he was a shifter a secret, seeing as their kind wasn't necessarily welcome in most parts of the world.

Despite the nightmares and trauma, Reiji went on to live a fairly normal life, and thanks to the woman that raised him, was even able to go off to university and get a proper education.

But of course, the old wolf — who had become almost like a second mother to him — couldn't live forever. No matter how much Reiji hoped she would.

She passed away on the day of his graduation, holding Reiji's hand until her final breath.

Though she left him peacefully, Reiji didn't feel any less miserable. He had lost his family all over again, right before his very eyes, and there was nothing he could do. He was all alone.

From then on, Reiji did his best to continue forward, only because he knew this was what his mother and the old wolf would have wanted. He's given up on most things, but he lives a fairly average life. He doesn't like to stick out very much.

Though he seems melancholy and exhausted, there's still something, small as it may be, that yearns to find true happiness someday, no matter how far away it feels. And when he finds that silver lining of happiness, he’s going to hold onto it and make it his. No matter what it takes.



art is mine unless stated otherwise
reaction icons are official art, or drawn by : roku & yogin
serious / crack
mirrored lit
lewd & ships 18+
minors don’t interact




he / they

eastern time

muse ≠ mun


• Reiji is NON-BINARY. (AFAB)

• He does not particularly identify himself with either binary gender, but does prefer he/him or they/them pronouns.

• He is a little smaller than the average fox, likely due to experiments stunting his growth.

• In his fox form, he's no bigger than an average house cat.

• Prone to stuttering, fidgeting, and shaking due to anxiety caused by his trauma.

• Prone to drastically shifting moods.

• Easily manipulated.

• Not good with social cues.

• A terrible liar.

• An obsessive lover.

• He's a switch and a sadomasochist.

• He buries himself in his work to keep his mind busy, in hopes of preventing himself from thinking too much and spiraling.

• A majority of his memories are repressed. It’s hard for him to remember such things, and doing so gives him a headache and sends him into a spiral. But every now and then, he’ll come across things that remind him.

• He works as the assistant of a man named Hemis, at the company STIGMATA.

• He rarely shifts into his fox form in front of humans, and hides his ears and tail around them, in fear of one day being hunted and killed.

• The more comfortable he is with you, the more comfortable he will be exposing fox-like nature.

• When he feels a special connection to someone, his desperation to keep them close and not lose them awakens his "yandere" side, likely due to the important people he's lost in his past.

• He's had his heart broken before ( soon to be added to background ) and this also plays a part in his yandere behavior.

• He met his first boyfriend in college, at the age of 18. They were together for two years. Two long years which consisted of constant physical and mental abuse, and cheating, on his partner’s part.

• His first kill was his first boyfriend.

• As an omega, he has a vanilla and strawberry scent.

• Due to past experimentation, his heats are drastically irregular.

• He's actually rather book smart, graduated at the top of his class, and speaks five languages and counting.

• He was originally born with auburn colored eyes, the typical eye color found in foxes, but due to experimentation done on his eyes, it has altered his eye color and destroyed his vision. Because of this, he typically wears contacts or large, round rimmed glasses.

• Though his mother is deceased, his father is alive and well. Of course, he doesn’t know this. His father is the reason Reiji’s mother is dead, and the one who had him sent off to the lab, all for monetary purposes.

• He has died once before, as a result of a freak accident at his workplace, and was successfully brought back. Because of this, he is able to easily communicate with otherworldly beings.